Friday, August 07, 2009

Two Good :-)

Amazingly enough, the second night was even better than the first!

Setup was a bit easier. Brenda and I went early to try and scope out a better spot for Brenda to do the bounce routine. After checking over the entire location, we managed to find a spot that wasn't too bad. Not idea, but at least a little less "random" than the other spot. It paid off :-)

We started the show a bit eariler (6:55) and figured that would give us enough time to do the collections and be cleared out by 7:15. Gibby once again made sure we were set up and taken care of. I brought an extension cord with me this time, so it allowed us to move the sound system to a slightly better location.

I also wrote up what to say for the intro and for the conclusion just to have more structure for me :-)

The Radio Program idea for the Shakespeare story is really working well. I'm getting into it a bit more each time, so that's fun too. Crizzly is going to give it a try one of these times and I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes too . . . heh heh. I still have a few added minor touches that I can do, but all in all, the routine moves smoothly and has been very well received.

Brenda's bounce routine was silky smooth as well this time. She was much happier with her performance and I think we'll be using that spot more often.

I had a snarl during the string climb section of the diabolo, but it wasn't too bad. Plus the weather was great and not too much wind, so I was able to launch it quite high, much to the delight of the crowd :-)

The entire club routine went off without a hitch. No drops, despite my best efforts to try and get Crizzly to drop at one point. I threw a crossing double and for some reason immediately threw a triple (guess I was thinking we were in 2 count rather than 4 count). Luckily, Crizzly was in the process of launching a triple of his own, so it managed to work out.

I extended the speach just a bit at the end, figured if I said we were going to pass the hat, then do a bit of talking, it let them get more prepared for getting money out and such :-)

Kristen joined us and will be performing in our 3rd show, taking Brenda's place for a night. She helped out with the collections, which went quickly and smoothly. Plus, we did even better than last night! How awesome is that? :-)



Day's Take:


Amount of days it took us to reach $280 in 2006 - 4
Amount of days it took us to reach $280 in 2007 - 5

Let's keep it going! Whatever is working is working :-)



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